Look to your left. Do you see it? A possible clue that hints towards the return of another God? A pink and purple orb, sparking with magic and energy sitting atop what appears to be the Wizard’s Tower near Draynor Village! Does it not bare similarities to the one that Zamorak exited from behind Lumbridge…
Month: July 2013
A J Mod needs to confirm this right now! The one thing about this game that keeps me playing today is the lore. By killing other gods, Jagex will kill the lore! I don’t want ANY of the gods to be killed off too early, if at all! I would prefer that they all stay…
As many of you may know, Jagex is releasing a new method of training for Agility. Now, I have absolutely no issue with it BUT, please don’t kill my Agility cape that made me go nearly insane of achieving… ;-P But what I mean is, I got 94 Runecrafting the old fashioned way, and I’m…
So we know that divination is coming out soon and next weeks bts will be talking about it. but what are some of your ideas? here is mine and a friend’s. I see that the Fissures in the ground ( the green cracks that we see in lummy) will be used somehow for divination. If…
Everyone, P2P or F2P can agree on the fact that non-member players get poor treatment, as there is no skillcapes nor nearly enough quests like there are on member servers. But what struck my mind as my members ended and I went on F2P worlds is how Prayer Potions are not drinkable and not utilized…
OK, I don’t know if anyone else has the same opinion as me with the gathering of Divine Tears. A) I feel like it takes too long to collect the tears. I logged in and got right to collecting tears and looked at the clock after awhile and noticed it had taken me like 5…
I know a easier way to earn Runescape money.. go in chapter 4-1 (the cave).. get all jewels an make the chain pull crap with sheva at the end…… when youre finished then this big thing is commin but I know a Way to kill it with 5-6 shots…… 3times with grenade launcher.. and 2-3…
I had been anticipating the release of RuneScape 3 Gold for quite some time now, and with its release today I could not be happier. I was never one who truly appreciated RuneScape lore, but the Dawn of the Sixth Age changed my perspective entirely. Finally, us adventurers were going to have an opportunity to…
First off, the prices dropped because the market got flooded by players who once the shields lost their special abilities sold them off. Visages got heavily botted dropping the prices even lower. Its just how the market is sadly enough. I can remember when whips were in the millions now they are less than 100k.…
In recent news posts you’ll have seen that we said the HTML5 client will stay labelled as a beta beyond the RS3 launch. We want to make sure it’ll offer a great experience for everyone, so it’s unlikely to move out of beta for some months, until the HTML5 standard is fully implemented and widely…