Category: Runescape Tips

You may have noticed that the Jagex has prepared some incredible legendary pets to assist players in the Battle. These pets can change their appearance and interact with each other, so with these cute pets you will definitely enjoy more pleasure in the game. Now the pets are available in the store, if you want…

In order to address some of the disconnection issues we have temporarily altered what happens when you die. When you die the items you lose on death will not appear to anyone for 3 minutes. For one minute after that, they will appear to the person who died and after that they will appear to…

The Death of Chivalry – Tips There is no limitation of levels of gamers who are able to participate in the quest, which means no matter you are free player or a member of Runescape you can enjoy the quest. But combat will scale to your level, so you must equip your best combat gear…

Mines and Smith until you are at level 20 at a time. Make bronze bars and turn me into many years Anvil has done factors this sort of as a 2-H, Mail Plate Body, Skirt, or Kite Shield and market around the market for good prices. You can also do this with mitral Reunite (not…

In this bizarro new world where MMO developers seem to vault over those old barriers before breakfast and invent a new currency by lunch, Runescape’s place isn’t quite so well-defined. But the launch of its third iteration has seen it pick up players old and new just the same. Jagex report that 400,000 players have…

LEGO Marvel UK released the Stan Lee Trailer for their upcoming game LEGO Marvel Super Heroes. Comic book legend Stan Lee is a playable character in the game, and he has the powers of every single super hero. The trailer shows him turning into Hulk, stretching like Mr. Fantastic, hanging from a web like Spiderman,…

Chronicle Fragments: Instead of turning this “friendly social skill” into a massive competition for chronicle fragments, why not allow multiple people to get the same fragment as they could before your first hotfix? If the hunter xp becomes an issue, why not rebalance it and keep this feature? Divination as a skill does hold some…

Signs of the Porter: must be equipped in order to utilize their banking effects. If a player is truly going for xp in mining, fishing, or woodcutting, then it would be far more beneficial to use juju potions, log splitting/rock crushing scrimshaws, or the tackleboxes. Thus, in order for signs of the porter to see…

This guide will help you make money regardless of your combat level or starting RS 2007 Gold. The most important thing is that you will not be using any Runescape Cheat. Read this thoroughly to learn the secrets of making money without jeopardizing your game or using Runescape Cheat. A members only tip. Ensure you…

RuneScape 3 is a big game update happens to RS EoC. The update will bring a number of technological, gameplay and narrative improvements to the 12-year-old game, including the transition to HTML5. Following is the changes RuneScape 3 brings to EoC: Two new skills will also be added to the game; while one hasn’t been…