Tag: Morrowind

For The Elder Scrolls Online and the new Morrowind chapter, there are all sorts of addons on the PC version that will enhance and improve the game. Here you can find out which add-ons are especially cool and how you install them and keep them up to date. So with the Addons it is also…

After being restructured thanks to the major update Tamriel, The Elder Scrolls Online has managed to restart the machine and become a serious actor in the MMORPG scene. Far from stopping there, Bethesda wanted to restart the machine with a new extension: Morrowind. A name that speaks to the fans of the first hour (the…

Bethesda, at its pre-E3 2017 conference, presented a new trailer of The Elder Scrolls Online that you can see as usual by the player at the top of the news. The title recently saw the release of Morrowind’s expected expansion. The new DLC offers more than 30 hours of story content, a playable class, Warden,…

Morrowind is a name that makes many gamershart beating faster. According to many, the third part in the Elder Scrolls series is the best in the series and, according to some, even the best game ever made. No wonder, therefore, that the new Elder Scrolls Online expansion Morrowind threw high eyes after it was announced.…