Month: March 2017

Like Albion Online Gold and WoW Gold, ESO Gold certainly plays an important role in The Elder Scrolls Online. Players need to use ESO Gold to buy most suitable equipment to equip themselves well when they fight with other players or bosses, buy materials they need for their manufacture, in addition, players also use the…

According to the developer as well as publisher of the action/MMORPG Mu Legend announced, the global open beta testing of the game will start in the summer of 2017, due to the start of the MBT, gamers around the world will be able to join the project and explore the world of Mu Legend. Gamers…

Final Fantasy XIV is planned for released on June 20, 2017, and level cap goes up to 70, a large number of gamers stated that they is filled with excitement. Story will be focused on liberating Ala Mhigo from the Garleans. New Dungeons as well as raids, new housing area, Shirogane, located in Othard. It’s…

For some Albion beginner, they are curious about this game any aspect, actually, there are plenty of ways to make your journey in Albion Online smoother. Let’s we know what some beginner tips that might help you more. More hot news and tricks, more news can be found here: You Need To Be Engaged…

Despite what you think, buying virtual currency for MMORPGs is a common thing among players, so it is in The Elder Scrolls Online. However, Bethesda is strict with this kind of matter, recalling back of the suspicious gold once detected. So how to buy safe ESO Gold becomes our customers first concerns. It is generally…

Final Fantasy the newest patch has been released, more importantly, introduces a number of new side quests and the usual general bug fixes. More Final Fantasy Details, you can be found more here: Final Fantasy XIV Lives On With Patch 3.15 Saint Endalim’s Scholasticate, as the new set of side quests, the new quests…

Until now, the biggest update of Albion Online have been unveiled, in addition, the Albion Online server is back online, before Albion online officially launch on July 17, 2017, Galahad is one of the final update. With regard to highly-anticipated update, what will it bring?  User Interface Overhaul In the early test phases, Albion Online’s…