Significance Strategy to Build Perfect FUT 15 Chemistry Squad

In FIFA Ultimate Team, having a strong line-up or your skill alone will not win you games. There are other things which can alter the outcome of the game; chemistry and fitness is a couple of things you should keep in mind.
FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Chemistry
Chemistry can be described as the relation between a player and his club or his position. Ideally, you need to have a higher chemistry to encourage the player’s performance.
The Significance Of Chemistry
Like I have mentioned above, in order to win, you cannot only rely on your skill or your team’s strong line-up. Think of the chemistry in this manner: a weak team with great chemistry can easily score wins than a great team with weak chemistry.Yes, there definitely are two different kinds of chemistries: chemistry of the player and chemistry of a team. You simply cannot neglect the importance of both kinds of chemistries since both of these are equally important.The primary difference between Player Chemistry and Team Chemistry is that the PC is calculated on a scale of zero to ten and TC is calculated on a scale of zero to hundred.While building your team, you should pay attention to the Player Chemistry and as a result, you will attain a higher Team Chemistry. However, do note that PC is not the only thing that determines the TC.Factors like Managers for the bench and positioning also affect the chemistry. Therefore, it’s possible for a team to have different chemistry in different matches. The last important bit to note here is that the chemistry also alters the player’s attributes to some extent.
Player Chemistry
Now that we know all about chemistry, let’s talk about a few things which can alter the PC of a player. In order to improve PC of a player, make sure to follow these tips:
1.Let him play on his natural position
2.Team him up with players having same nationality or clubs
3.Team him up with managers having some nationality or clubs
4.Assign him to a club with which he has played more than ten matches
5.Assign him to a new club to let him develop affiliations
How To Calculate Chemistry
First off, you need to know that the chemistry value that is used in the game is calculated by combining both Player Chemistry and Team Chemistry. Here’s how the game calculates the chemistry:
Overall Chemistry = (Player Chemistry x 0.75) + (Team Chemistry x 0.25)
Keeping this formula in mind, you can get an idea of how the game calculates the chemistry. Coming to the Team Chemistry, it is determined by adding all Players’ Chemistry values:
Team Chemistry = PC1 + PC2 + PC3 + … PC11
In case you’re thinking that by using this formula, one can even reach the value of 110 which exceeds the Overall Chemistry value; do note that anything above 100 is considered as 100 in the game.
Coming to Player Chemistry, there is a simple formula to calculate it and it revolves around everything we discussed above:
Player Chemistry = Positioning/Linking + Manager Loyalty + Club Loyalty
Like in the case of Team Chemistry, you will often reach a value which will exceed 10. Once again, do note that anything above 10 will be considered as 10 in the game.
How Substitutes Affect Chemistry
If you have read the guide above, you will notice that there was hardly any mention of substitutes. The formula provided above only took eleven main players into considerations and not substitutes. It is true that until substitutes are called into the game, their Player Chemistry does not affect the overall chemistry of the team.
The question that arises is when a substitute is called into the game, then what? Contrary to what most people believe, when a substitute is called into the game, he acquires the Player Chemistry of the player who left the field.
In this way, the overall chemistry of the team is not disturbed at all. Understand it this way: after a match commences, the chemistry is locked up and NOTHING changes it, at all!
Now, if you’re a smart player, you can use this to your advantage if you have a player who isn’t good enough, but adds to the overall chemistry of your squad. Once the chemistry value has been locked in, call in the substitute and the chemistry will not change by any value.
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