Madden 18: Guides And How To Get Started
Once you own the game, you would like a guide and how to get started. Well, I have that for you. Want to know more details, please pay attention to theĀ U4GM, where you can see a lot of guides, as well as cheap Madden 18 coins for sale.
The next step is to run the game. Run the game, configure any graphics settings, and mess around a bit to see what options and menus there are. When ready, create and save a roster, franchise, or superstar file. This can be deleted after you’re done. You’re creating this file because the folders you need for modding are not created until this is done.
Before downloading any of the things I will now talk about, be sure you have a method of extraction. Many files come in compressed formats such as .rar, .zip, and .7z. You can extract these files with 7-Zip. Also, make sure you have all Microsoft .NET frameworks. Please install 1.1, 3.5, 3.5 SP1, 4.5, and 4.7. If you already have some of them, only install the ones you are missing.
Before you do the rest of the things listed here, it is recommended to update the game to the 4.0 patch. Since the game’s auto update feature no longer works, you’ll have to manually download the patch. EA has four versions of the patch on their servers. US and UK physical patches, and US and UK download patches. Get the version you need at this link.
Before installing any mod, make sure you load the game up and test it to be sure it works correctly. Set your system and gameplay settings to what you want. Then, go into roster management, and save a copy of the roster. This will create the folders you need for most mods on this site. You can delete the roster right after you create it, if you wish.
The first step in updating the NFL rosters in Madden is to get the latest community mod, the FF/FI mod. The latest updates can be found by following this link. Download the packages and follow their installation instructions. All future mod updates will also be found at that thread. NOTE: Unless a mod specifically says to place files in Program Files, do not place them there. Instead, place them in the game’s Documents folder.
The next thing you’ll likely want is MadMod X, which is a collection of extremely useful and powerful tools and utilities for modding, configuring, and giving new life to Madden. To use some of these properly, you’ll need to have the versions of Microsoft’s .NET Framework listed above. Two of the most important tools in this collection are NZA’s Editor (included are both versions 1.3 and 2.0), which allow for extremely large amounts of editing and tweaking to rosters, franchises, and superstars, and the DB Editor and DAT File Replacer, which are key modding tools, and can even allow you to mod and experiment for yourself.
To make the game more realistic and updated, and add features that quite frankly should have been there in the first place, download version 1.58 of Calhoupe’s Madden Scripts. To use them, you must run the program in the download, then use that program to launch Madden, by selecting “mainapp.exe” from the installation directory. Then, after the game loads, you can activate them by minimizing the game, and selecting the options you want to be enabled. After enabling any options you want, click “Save” to save them for later, and they’ll be loaded every time you start the scripts in the future. To allow you to minimize the game, you must first delete or rename a file in the Madden installation directory. Locate the file named “keyblo” and rename or delete it. That will allow you to ALT+TAB out of the game.
Another editing utility you’ll likely want is Madden Amp. This is another powerful editor for rosters and franchises, and even has its own drafting system that can replace the normal Madden draft in franchise mode. Like some of the utilities in MadMod X, it requires .NET Framework version 4.5.
Finally, the last step is finding rosters. For a completely updated roster, the recommended roster is currently Rogerjinx’s 2017 Roster.