Click the thumbnails below for the full image.
Daedalean Armour by Mr Daedalus
Mod James H: “This is my favourite as its well presented and I love the fact that it incorporates ancient mythology. Good job!”
Female Mercenary Outfit by Zelly
Mod Reece: “Almost renaissance in look and feel – with deadly barbed gauntlets on show.”
Abyssal Armour Design by Marikdebie
Mod John A: “I love the insect-like appearance of these and the choice of colours, but I’d be a bit worried about the female character’s legs!”
The Royal Assassin by Kaishala
Mod Mark: “This image is my personal favourite. I will be passing it over to my desert curator for future content consideration.”
Guthix Rage Set by Anonymous
Mod Tomh: “I really like the fusion of fantasy/tech with this set, kind of like a cyber-mage – awesome!”
Desert Agent by EliteZeon
Mod Dean: “Offers good protection from the desert and has the great addition of the concealed weapons. I also really like the ankh detailing.”
The Traveller by King Zare
Mod Knox: “Cool picture – love the wrist guard and fancy hat. Not sure I could pull it off though…”
Belly Tops by Squidbreath
Mod Hulme: “Excellent replicas of Daemonheim armour with superb attention to detail.”